48 research outputs found

    Project-based learning in Media Learning Material Development for Early Childhood Education

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    This study aims to create and develop teaching materials for early childhood education (PAUD) media units to facilitate learning processes. The teaching materials developed are compiled with a project-based learning approach. The research was conducted on the PAUD media unit in the Early Childhood Islamic Education (PIAUD) undergraduate program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This research is following Dick and Carey’s model of Research and Development. The development stage focuses on determining instructional goals, analyzing learning materials, analyzing student abilities in the learning context, determining learning targets, developing instruments, developing project-based learning strategies, and applying them to learning. The results showed that students could develop media in line with learning needs and aspects of children’s development using teaching materials


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan model pembelajaran motorik kasar berbasis hypercontent yang layak dan efektif digunakan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan (RnD). Mengembangkan model pembelajaran motorik kasar secara konseptual, prosedural dan fisikal. Melalui uji one to one pakar di bidang materi pendidikan anak usia dini, desain pembelajaran, media pembelajaran dan bahasa Indonesia. Serta uji one to one, uji kelompok kecil dan kelompok besar kepada mahasiswa. Uji one to one pakar dan one to one peserta didik menyatakan keterbacaan modul hypercontent secara materi, bahasa, desain dan media dengan baik dan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah fisik motorik. Penelitian ini dapat menjadi panduan untuk peneliti berikutnya dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran motorik kasar dengan pendekatan yang sama atau pendekatan yang berbeda. Kebaruan penelitian ini menjawab keterbatasan sumber pembelajaran pendidikan anak usia dini berbasis teknologi informasi dan mengilustrasikan pembelajaran motorik kasar dengan video pembelajaran, Penelitian ini menghasilkan produk pembelajaran berupa model pembelajaran motorik kasar, modul cetak, referensi digital dan video pembelajaran online. Pembelajaran motorik kasar berbasis hypercontent dapat memudahkan mahasiswa dan meningkatkan keberhasilan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran motorik kasar anak usia dini. Berdasarkan uji efektivitas pada uji lapangan (field trial) hasil perhitungan dari uji t diperoleh thitung > t table (thitung 13,457 > ttabel =2,131) maka Ho ditolak, hal ini berarti terdapat perbedaan antara nilai pre-test dan post-test pada proses pembelajaran motorik kasar berbasis hypercontent, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran motorik kasar berbasis hypercontent efektif. This study aims to develop a hypercontent-based gross motor learning model. The subjects of this research were students of the Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program at STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta. This study uses the Research and Development (RnD) method. Develop gross motor learning models conceptually, procedurally and physically. Through expert one-to-one tests in the field of early childhood education materials, learning design, learning media and Indonesian. As well as one to one tests, small group tests and large group tests for students. One-to-one expert tests and one-to-one student tests stated that the hypercontent module readability in terms of material, language, design and media was good and suitable for use in learning physical-motor courses. This research can be a guide for future researchers in developing gross motor learning with the same approach or a different approach. The novelty of this study addresses the limitations of learning resources for early childhood education based on information technology and illustrates gross motor learning with learning videos, This research produces learning products in the form of gross motor learning models, printed modules, digital references and online learning videos. Hypercontent-based gross motor learning can facilitate students and increase student success in early childhood gross motor learning. Based on the effectiveness test in the field trial, the calculation results from the t test obtained tcount > t table (tcount 13.457 > ttable = 2.131) then Ho is rejected, this means that there is a difference between the pre-test and post-test scores in the motor learning process hypercontent-based gross motor learning, it can be concluded that hypercontent-based gross motor learning is effective

    Module Hypercontent for Gross Motor Learning

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    This study aims to develop a hypercontent-based gross motor learning model. The subjects of this research were students of the Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program at STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta. This study uses the Research and Development (RnD) method. Develop gross motor learning models conceptually, procedurally and physically. Through expert one-to-one tests in the field of early childhood education materials, learning design, learning media and Indonesian. As well as one to one tests, small group tests and large group tests for students. This research can be a guide for future researchers in developing gross motor learning with the same approach or a different approach. This research produced learning products in the form of gross motor learning models, printed modules and learning videos. Hypercontent-based gross motor learning can facilitate students and increase student success in early childhood gross motor learning

    Kamus Fi'il Ruba'i Arab-Indonesia

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    Buku ini berupa kamus dengan fokus pada kata kerja ruba"i. Kamus ini berisi kumpulan fi"il ruba"i bahasa Arab dengan terjemahannya ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Kamus ini disusun berurut berdasarkan abjad

    Judicial Mediation: Is Reconciliation Impossible in Divorce Cases?

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    Judicial mediation attempts to realize the principle of peace in civil cases, however, in its implementation in religious courts there is still minimal success in producing peace agreements, especially in divorce cases. This research aims to analyze whether it is impossible to reconcile the parties in a divorce case through judicial mediation. This research is empirical legal research with a case approach. The data collection methods involve observation, interviews, and documentation. These data are then validated using the triangulation method.  After data validation, the next step is to analyze using an analytical method using the theory of legal objectives. Research findings show that successful mediation in divorce cases is not impossible, it's just that divorce cases are very difficult to reconcile, because the parties who submit divorce cases to court usually have reached the climax of domestic problems, and some have not lived together for a long time

    استراتيجية تعليم اللغة العربية لترقية رغبة تعلم الطلاب (دراسة متعددة المواقع بالمدرسة الثناوية "الشافعية" جوندانج تولونج أجونج والمدرسة الثناوية "دار الفلاح" بنديل جاتي تولونج أجونج)

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    الملخص: لم يتم جهود تعليم اللغة العربية الا بدور المعلمين في الاستراتيجيات عند عملية التعلم. لان التعليم ليس موجهة فقط علي النتائج ، ولكن أيضا علي عملية المنحى. ودور المعلم في الانشطة التعليمية للاستراتيجية المثلي سيبسط العملية ، وكلما زادت فعالية العملية ، كانت النتائج المحققة اعلي أيضا. علماء النفس يقولون ان واحدة من الأشياء التي تؤثر واما أغراض البحث هي لوصف تنفيذ ومشكلات وحَلُّ مشكلات استراتيجية تعليم اللغة العربية لترقية رغبة تعلم الطلاب بالمدرسة الثناوية "الشافعية" جوندانج تولونج أجونج والمدرسة الثناوية "دار الفلاح" بنديل جاتي تولونج أجونج. ومنهج البحث: المدخل الكيفي وتصميم وصفي. طريقة جمع الحقائق: المقابلة، الملاحظة بالمشاركة، الوثيقة. ونتائج البحث: التنفيذ هو لجعل المجموعة، ولتكرير المفردات، والتقييم. المشكلات هي ان القدرة من حيث إتقان اللغة العربية كجزء من العوامل التي لها تاثير علي المصلحة لم يكن ينمو بالتساوي علي المتعلمين. حَلُّ المشكلات هو التمارن على أوراق عمل الطلاب، اعطأ الواجبات المنزلية، إعطاء التوجيهات، مناسبة تطبيق استراتيجيات بمفردات التعليم. &nbsp

    Kognisi Sosial Dalam Narasi Terstruktur, Sistematis, dan Masif (TSM) di Persidangan Pemilu Pilpres 2019 Melalui Uji Linguistik Forensik

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    Studi ini menganalisis kognisi sosial pada narasi TSM (terstruktur, sistematis, dan masif) yang dibuat oleh tim pengacara pasangan calon (paslon) Pilpres 2 selama persidangan sengketa hasil suara Pilpres 2019 di Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). Representasi dari kognisi sosial merupakan pengetahuan yang didalamnya memuat prinsip-prinsip “keadilan substantif”. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan mengacu pada forensik linguistik dengan mendasarkan pada ancangan Analisa Wacana Kritis (AWK) Teun A. van Dijk. Data yang digunakan adalah transkrip percakapan persidangan yang dibuat oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). Studi ini menemukan bahwa kognisi sosial tim pengacara paslon Pilpres 2 adalah representasi dari prinsip keadilan substantif. Prinsip ini terdiri atas empat pengetahuan yaitu rasionalitas pengadilan substantif, kejujuran dan abuse of power aparat pemerintahan, objektifitas mahkamah konstitusi, imparsialitas pemerintah dan penyelenggara pemilu. Prinsip ini dipergunakan oleh tim pengacara paslon Pilpres 2 untuk mendorong supaya hakim MK tidak sekadar melakukan penghitungan ulang suara namun didorong untuk menyelidiki pelanggaran TSM yang diduga dilakukan oleh paslon Pilpres 1. Kata Kunci: kognisi sosial; TSM; pilpres 2019; linguistik forensi

    Epistemology of Arabic Language Learning Technology Development

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    Students' lack of Arabic language skills might be caused by some factors, such as the models and strategies used by teachers, the students’ excitement in learning and their character. This study aimed to research on the epistemology of Arabic learning based on ICT. It was designed to find the Arabic learning model based on ICT. It assumed that integrating various fields of study with ICT, including Arabic language learning, is essential to be developed in this digital era. However, there are obstacles experienced by several schools, especially the teachers, they do not have a specific format for using ICT to integrate both scientific subjects. Descriptive qualitative research was used in this research. The data collection was done through observation, interviewing the teachers and one hundred X grade students, and documentation. The data were analyzed by using the Miles and Huberman technique. The results showed that the design of the ICT-based in Arabic learning model development is “al-hasub al-ittishalî”, this is an innovative Arabic learning model based on ICT. In this model, the materials and other learning tools are designed in a computer program. As stated by E. L. Criswell, computers provide opportunities for students to participate and respond to the student’s activities actively. This model contributes in making the teaching and learning process more effective. With this model, the teacher is expectedly able to become a learning motivator and a mediator to explain some materials to the students. Besides, the use of ICT is a must considering the digital era

    Entrepreneurship Based Education Management in Pesantren Jawahirul Hikmah Tumpuk Besuki Tulungagung

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    The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the strategy, implementation, and implications of entrepreneurial-based Islamic boarding school management in Pesantren Jawaahirul Hikmah Tumpuk, Besuki, Tulungagung. A qualitative study was conducted. The data were collected by interviewing 7 informants and observations. Data analysis was done logically and systematically following some steps including data reduction, data display, and conclusions. The results of the study showed that: First, the entrepreneurship education strategy used is students’ engagement in each stage of activity of entrepreneurship and designing meaningful learning. Second, the implementation of entrepreneurship education carried out by the Jawaahirul Hikmah Islamic boarding school in realizing institutional independence began with the implementation of the vision, mission and entrepreneurship education program as a guide for student creativity. Third, the implications of entrepreneurship education the pesantren were realized by subsidizing half of the students’ fee from the business profit.&nbsp


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    Criteria for the visibility of the new moon have been initiated by Betawi ulama, one of which is found in the book Faḍl al-Raḥmān by Ahmad Marzuqi al-Bātāwī. Ahmad Marzuqi's criteria are very different from those used by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, giving rise to several differences. Using literature research and interviews as a data collection method, this paper finds that Ahmad Marzuqi al-Bātāwī's thoughts in the book Faḍl al-Raḥmān state that the minimum limit for imkān al-rukyah is 7° without using a telescope. This idea of imkān al-rukyah is still currently being implemented by the al-Marzūqiyyah congregation in Cipinang Muara, East Jakarta, in determining the start of the lunar month so that if the height of the new moon is less than 7° it causes differences with the government